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4,565,881 USD

Average Monthly Withdrawals

3,145,749 USD

Total Investments


Active Investors


Active Traders

Eliminate errors by using Auto Trader

Algorithmic trading (automated trading) is one of the strongest features of our trading platform. It eliminates any obstacles in analytical and trading activity. It offers high efficiency, flexibility and functionality.

Our Auto Trader is a fully-integrated algorithmic trading software solution for quantitative hedge funds. It allows automation of complex, quantitative trading strategies in Equity, Forex and Derivative markets.

Why Algorithmic Trading

Auto Trader provides everything a typical quantitative hedge fund needs on a daily basis to run its operation and is the very first and only algorithmic trading software product to allow automated trading of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies.

Fully Automated

Any quantitative trading strategy can be fully automated.


High volumes of market data are speedily processed, analyzed, and acted upon at ultra-high speed.


Built on the most robust architecture and state-of-the-art technology.